Today, further adventures in Quaternary estuarine geology – a paddle along the lower reaches of the Wyong River, where it meets Tuggarah Lake. With a brief stop at Lake Macquarie to photograph this heron hunting, that makes two young and lovely coastal lagoons in one day. And both fine places to be a waterbird. After my recent insensitive remarks about coastal lagoons being fed by underwhelming little creeks, I’m a bit surprised we didn’t have any unfortunate upending incidents today. The mighty Wyong River is forgiving. And generous with darters.
And egrets, both intermediate and great. I’ve got a feeling there’s one of each here. Despite the name, the sure fire way of distinguishing them isn’t size, but a dark line that runs from the base of the beak beneath the eye. The great egret’s commissural line runs behind its eye, the intermediate’s stops short just below. But I still think you’re great, mate, despite your middle-of-the-road name and your meagre eye liner.
On the bank amongst the ducks, doing its best to be invisible, a clueless young black bittern. Obviously it wasn’t listening when its parents gave it the talking to about bitterns hiding coyly in the riverside rushes.
And of course, the contractual obligation pelican on a post. Thanks your offerings, this sunny Sunday, Wyong River.